Dr Paul Davies
Paul Davies is a cosmologist, writer and broadcaster as well as Director of the Beyond Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science at Arizona State University. His research interests focus on the 'big questions' of existence, ranging from the origin of the universe to the origin of life.
Dr Kimberly Weaver
Astrophysicist at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. An expert in X-ray astronomy, she has demonstrable talent in the communication of complex scientific ideas in ways that most can readily understand.
Prof Daniel Dennett
American philosopher, writer and cognitive scientist. His research centres on the philosophy of mind, science and biology, particularly as those fields relate to evolutionary biology and cognitive science. A firm atheist and secularist. A prominent member of the New Atheists.
Rev Dr John Polkinghorne
Writer, Anglican Priest, former Professor of Mathematical Physics at University of Cambridge, he is author of 26 books on the relationship between science and religion.
Prof Richard Dawkins
The world’s most famous contemporary atheist, he is the author of the best-selling book "The God Delusion" and a regular presenter of television programmes which scorn religious beliefs.
Prof John Lennox
Oxford Professor of Mathematics and Philosopher of Science, he is a prominent defender of Christian faith and author of several books on science and religion including "God’s Undertaker: Has Science Buried God?" and "Gunning For God: Why The New Atheists Are Missing The Target."
Christopher Hitchens
The late journalist, public speaker and Author of God Is Not Great. A key spokesperson for ‘New Atheism’, Hitchens’ confrontational style of debate made him both a lauded and controversial figure.
Prof Steven Weinberg
American theoretical physicist and Nobel laureate in Physics. Author of The First Three Minutes: A Modern View of the Origin of the Universe. He argues that our existence within a universe of order is a consequence of us being “winners in a cosmic lottery”.
Prof Carol Cleland
Philosopher of Science and insightful commentator on evolutionary biology. Argues the compatibility between evolution and belief in God.
Prof Steven Pinker
Harvard College Professor in the Department of Psychology. One of the most respected cognitive scientists in the world, he was named one of "Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential Thinkers" in 2004. Known for his advocacy of evolutionary psychology and the computational theory of mind.
Dr Francis Collins
American physician-geneticist noted for his landmark discovery of disease genes and head of the ‘Human Genome Project’ responsible for the discovery of the 3.5 billion letters of DNA, the basic instruction book of life. Author of "The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief".
Former Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks
One of the most respected figures of the British establishment, Lord Sacks is a key contributor to public debates on ethics, religion and science.
Dr Usama Hasan
A controversial scientist within the Muslim community, he is Founding Advisor at the Quilliam Foundation. The Foundation raises awareness and support for theological reform issues within the British Muslim community and in Pakistan.
Rev Canon Dr Alan Hargrave
Canon Missioner of Ely Cathedral. The role not only involves full clerical responsibility but has the specific task of encouraging the cathedral to look out to the community and the community to look to the cathedral.
Prof Alexander Vilenkin
Theoretical physicist who has been working in the field of cosmology for 25 years. His research is investigating the scientific validity of the universe having emerged from “absolutely nothing”.
Prof Andrew Newberg
American Neuroscientist. Newberg has focused his professional expertise on the nature of religion, spirituality and their relationship with the functions of brain and mind. He has also studied how our fundamental belief systems arise.
Prof Andrew Parker
Author of The Genesis Enigma which argues a curious harmony between the sequence of events in Genesis and the evolutionary paradigm. His specialist knowledge includes the Cambrian period, often described as “the big bang” of evolution.
Andy McIntosh
Professor of Thermodynamics and Combustion Theory. He is a director of Truth in Science – an organisation that argues for clear evidence in science for the role of a creator.
Prof Arkhat Abzhanov
Associate Professor of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University. Provides and demonstrates insight into how modern science understands the molecular changes that take place in the birds that so fascinated Darwin.
Dr Belinda Wilkes
Senior astrophysicist at the Smithsonian Observatory and Assistant Director for the Chandra X-Ray Center, she specialises in the study of supermassive black holes in the centre of galaxies.
Prof Celia Deane-Drummond
Has lectured both nationally and internationally on all areas relating theology and theological ethics with different aspects of the biosciences, especially ecology and genetics.
Prof Chris Frith
Professor of Neurospsychology, University College London. His main interest is in the applications of functional brain imaging to the study of higher cognitive functions in humans, although he is also well known for his earlier seminal work characterising the cognitive basis of schizophrenia.
Chuck Colson
A member of the Nixon Administration, he was jailed in 1974 for his part in the Watergate Scandal. Thereafter, became a committed Christian and founded Prison Fellowship - which operates in 112 countries worldwide. Author of a number of influential Christian books.
Colin Tudge
A British scientist and journalist. He has written books on food, agriculture, genetics and species diversity. He has special interest in philosophy and the relationship between science and religion.
Prof David Sloan Wilson
Argues that the evolutionary paradigm can adequately explain not only phenomena in the biological world but in the social world of religion and morality as well. There is, therefore, no need for a creator.
Rev Prof David Wilkinson
Astrophysicist and theologian, he is author of several books on the relationship between science and religion. He is principal of St John’s College, Durham.
Dr Dean Hamer
American geneticist and author. Profoundly skilled in communicating the complexities of molecular biology to a lay audience and in linking this information to the big issues of the programme. Author of "The God Gene" which argues that spiritual experience is merely a function of the brain.
Dr Denis Alexander
Editor of the academic journal Science and Christian Belief. A committed Darwinian and a Christian, he argues there is no contradiction between science and belief in a creator. Author of several books on evolution and faith including "Creation or Evolution: Do We Have to Choose?"
Denyse O’Leary
Co-authored "The Spiritual Brain" which examines how the brain processes religious, mystical and spiritual experiences. O’Leary concludes that spirituality is a manifestation of the reality of God. She believes that the brain and the mind are separate entities.
Don Piper
Author of 90 Minutes in Heaven, Don recounts his story of his brief experience in heaven following a car accident when he was on his way home from a conference in 1989.
Father Matthew Green
Former Professor of Philosophy in a New York Catholic Seminary, Father Green attempts to make the nature of spiritual experience accessible and understandable.
James Moore
Historian of Science at the Open University and the University of Cambridge, and visiting scholar at Harvard University. Author of several biographies of Charles Darwin. He sheds fascinating insight into Darwin’s somewhat perplexed views on the existence/role of a creator.
Prof Jennifer Clack
Professor and Curator of Vertebrate Palaeontology, University Museum of Zoology, Cambridge, she is an expert in the early development of tetrapods, four legged animals said to have evolved from Devonian lobe-finned fishes and colonised the freshwater swamps of the Carboniferous period.
Dr John Rutter
British composer, conductor, editor, and record producer, mainly of choral music, he is undoubtedly one of the best known in the field of religious music. Offers insight into the connection between music and spirituality.
Dr Justin Barrett
Founding editor of the "Journal of Cognition and Culture" and is author of numerous articles and chapters concerning the cognitive science of religion. Provides key insights into the social and psychological importance of religious belief.
Prof Keith Ward
British philosopher and theologian with specialist interest in comparative theology and the relationship between science and religion. Highly critical of the view that science can ever be a prism through which the validity of spiritual experience can be judged.
Prof Ken Miller
World renowned cell biologist and molecular biologist. Author of Finding Darwin’s God which argues that the very success of evolution is evidence of a constructive mind behind the natural world.
Dr Mario Livio
Senior Astrophysicist at the Space Telescope Science Institute. In the book "Is God a Mathematician?" he discusses the uncanny ability of mathematics to describe and predict accurately the physical world.
Prof Martin Brasier
Professor of Paleobiology at the University of Oxford and Emeritus fellow of St Edmund Hall. He is known for his study of microfossils and evolution in the Precambrian and Cambrian periods. His research critically examines the context and character of the early fossil record.
Rev Prof Michael Reiss
Professor of Science Education at the Institute of Education, University of London; also an Anglican priest. Former Director of Education at the Royal Society.
Prof Michael Ruse
Author of "Can a Darwinian be a Christian?" and "The Evolution - Creation Struggle". Specialises in the philosophy of biology and is well known for his work on the relationship between science and religion and the creation/evolution controversy.
Dr Michael Shermer
Founding Publisher and Executive Director of the Skeptics Society. Once a “believer” himself, he now advocates scepticism as a commendable means of establishing reality. The scientific method is key to that process.
Prof Peter Atkins
Former Professor of Chemistry, University of Oxford. An outspoken critic of any attempt to argue that science and religion are compatible. Professes total incredulity that respected scientists can believe in a God.
Dr Peter Fenwick
Neuropsychiatrist and neurophysiologist known for his studies of end-of-life phenomena. He is recognised as an authority on the relationship between the mind and the brain.
Prof Robert White
Professor of Geophysics in the department of Earth Sciences at Cambridge University and a director of The Faraday Institute of Science and Religion. He is a fellow of the Geological Society and a member of The American Geophysical Union.
Sam Harris
Author and contemporary critic of religion. A proponent of “New Atheism”, He argues religion is especially rife with bad ideas and one of the most perverse misuses of intelligence we have ever devised. For him, science and belief in God are “on a collision course.”
Dr Sam Parnia
Physician who researches into near-death and out-of-body experiences. Author of What Happens When We Die, based on his research which considers whether human consciousness can survive death.
Dr Stephen Meyer
Philosopher of science and advocate of Intelligent Design. He is director at The Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture and also Senior Fellow at The Discovery Institute. He is the author of Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design.
Prof Steve Fuller
Professor of sociology at the University of Warwick. Philosopher and sociologist in the field of science and technology. A member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. He is the Author of 18 books including Dissent Over Descent, a critique of the work of Darwin.
Prof Steve Jones
Professor of Genetics, University College London. A prize winning author, he is generally contemptuous of any attempt to harmonise science with belief in God. He claims that “evolution is a series of successful mistakes.”
Stuart McAllister
Former International Director of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries; currently Regional Director, the Americas. A passionate advocate of the rational basis of Christianity.
Wayne Ranney
Expert in the evolution of life forms preserved in the Grand Canyon. Has travelled the world as a geologic interpreter and on various natural history expeditions. Author of "Ancient Landscapes, Carving Grand Canyon and Sedona Through Time."
Dr William Dembski
American philosopher, theologian and a supporter of the Intelligent Design movement. Senior fellow of the Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture. He has written several books including The Design Revolution (2004) and Intelligent Design Uncensored (2010).
Prof William Lane Craig
Christian apologist, theologian and philosopher, he is the author of the online and published Reasonable Faith. Currently a Research Professor of Philosophy at Biola University, USA, Professor Craig has participated in numerous debates on the existence of God.
To help viewers determine a contributor's stance on the topics discussed within The God Question, we have introduced a series-wide colour coding scheme; Theists, Atheists and Neutral Contributors.